
schema's op maat

We beginnen met een gesprek

Welke patronen wil je doorbreken, welke richting wil je uit, wat voor beeld heb je van jezelf, is dit nog steeds actueel?

Een persoonlijk trainingsschema

Het schema bestaat voornamelijk uit affirmaties en oefeningen. Met als doel gedachten die niet voor je werken te vervangen door gedachten die wel voor je werken.

Het schema inpassen

We bekijken hoe we dit het beste in jouw dagelijks leven kunnen inpassen.

"What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people. Keep your hearts open and the flow of love flowing - you will attract wonderful people and wonderful experiences ♥"

"What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people. Keep your hearts open and the flow of love flowing - you will attract wonderful people and wonderful experiences ♥"

"Conscious thoughts, words and actions are all "things" that carry a certain energy... usually either towards life and rejuvenation or death and destruction. In that regard, every thing you think, say or do is moving in one of these directions. Are you creating, affirming and growing, or are you destroying, negating and diminishing yourself and others by the things you think and do? The choice is yours...."

"Conscious thoughts, words and actions are all "things" that carry a certain energy... usually either towards life and rejuvenation or death and destruction. In that regard, every thing you think, say or do is moving in one of these directions. Are you creating, affirming and growing, or are you destroying, negating and diminishing yourself and others by the things you think and do? The choice is yours...."

Julie Ufema

“We’re all allowed to have bad days. Happy people have bad days. The reason that they are happy is they know that the bad is temporary. The weight of rejection, pain, or failure fuels the happy instead of dragging them down. Happiness isn’t a temporary state of mind. Happiness is a lifestyle that requires acknowledging that you are willing to do the work to make tomorrow a better day.”

“We’re all allowed to have bad days. Happy people have bad days. The reason that they are happy is they know that the bad is temporary. The weight of rejection, pain, or failure fuels the happy instead of dragging them down. Happiness isn’t a temporary state of mind. Happiness is a lifestyle that requires acknowledging that you are willing to do the work to make tomorrow a better day.”

"You can press the reset button at anytime if you are having a bad day. So why not try it, delete those negative thoughts and press the reset button - practice happy thoughts that will bring your mind and body into a HAPPY state of mind. Trust it willl bring your vibration up again to feeling wonderful. Delete and reset - shift into happy thoughts = feeling good and happy inside out! It works always for me ♥"

"You can press the reset button at anytime if you are having a bad day. So why not try it, delete those negative thoughts and press the reset button - practice happy thoughts that will bring your mind and body into a HAPPY state of mind. Trust it willl bring your vibration up again to feeling wonderful. Delete and reset - shift into happy thoughts = feeling good and happy inside out! It works always for me ♥"

“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.”

“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.”

"People are mirrors for one another. When we see something in another person and react to it emotionally, what we see in that person is a reflection of what we know exists within ourselves. He also states that if we observe something in another without an emotional reaction, then that is just an observation. The first time I learned this, I was defensive for I felt all my criticisms of others were justified. I then began to dig deep and realized that there is a lot of truth to the idea that people are mirrors for one another. When we react to hate in another, it is a reflection of the hate that lives within us. When we judge someone for being full of it, then that is a reflection of the idea that maybe we know we are full of arrogance too. However, if you see beauty in another, it is a reflection of your beauty too. See someone as graceful and that means there is an element of grace within you. Sounds simple but this one lesson is very powerful in personal growth."

"People are mirrors for one another. When we see something in another person and react to it emotionally, what we see in that person is a reflection of what we know exists within ourselves. He also states that if we observe something in another without an emotional reaction, then that is just an observation. The first time I learned this, I was defensive for I felt all my criticisms of others were justified. I then began to dig deep and realized that there is a lot of truth to the idea that people are mirrors for one another. When we react to hate in another, it is a reflection of the hate that lives within us. When we judge someone for being full of it, then that is a reflection of the idea that maybe we know we are full of arrogance too. However, if you see beauty in another, it is a reflection of your beauty too. See someone as graceful and that means there is an element of grace within you. Sounds simple but this one lesson is very powerful in personal growth."

In het kort!

Wij houden van een praktische, doelgerichte aanpak. “Niet lullen, maar poetsen” is ons credo! Gewoon lekker aan de slag dus! Ik hoop je gauw te zien! Groet, Inspiraytor
Raymond Contein

Raymond Contein


In het dagelijks leven is het erg lastig je focus te houden. Internet, mobieltjes, tv, reclame, stress, enz. zorgen vaak voor afleiding. Voor Inspiraytor de reden geweest een schema te ontwikkelen waarmee je je geest en je focus kunt trainen.

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